Archive | January, 2012
31 Jan

I would pay top dollar to be right there, right now.

Especially if it meant I wouldn’t have to do all the work that I have to do this week.

Amen. The end.

((sigh…Athens…oh how I love you, Athens))

30 Jan

((words I live by. memories I won’t forget. love my sister.))

live well.

25 Jan

Today’s reminder:

Life is incredibly short.

Going to Houston to say goodbye to my grandma Doney because it looks like she doesn’t have long.

Growing up, she was the single most fun, vivacious women I have ever known…& that’s exactly how I’ll remember her forever.

working hard.

4 Jan

Most of my blogs are written when:
1) I’ve intentionally set aside time to get work done but can’t seem to focus long enough to do it and this seems more fun
2) I find myself laughing about something but there’s nobody right around me to share it with
3) I can’t fall asleep (which annoys the fire out of me)
4) I just can’t stop thinking about something or wrestling with some idea
5) I want to keep a memory forever

Today, 1 2, and 5 apply.

(1) I have HOURS of work that needs to be done so I came to Starbucks to do some of it. I’ve looked at Facebook for an embarrassing length of time. (My friends lives are very interesting.) I’ve gotten distracted by the cute couple in a long distance relationship that just reunited. Even though they’ve given each other way too many public kisses in the last 30 minutes, I’m ok with it because they are so sweet together. I’ve listened to the 2 high school girls bear their souls to each other about breaking up with this certain (seemingly awful) boy at different times. Ya know, just about everything except what I should be doing.

(2) Here’s what I started laughing about and didn’t think the freshly reunited couple would want to hear: my awkward moment today in the teacher’s lounge. I, quite focused, walked in to pick up some paper and saw a table of 4 teachers deeply engrossed in conversation, one whose back was toward me. One 4th grade teacher was sitting with the 3rd grade team of 3 teachers…or so it seemed. I did a slight double take because Ms. Hasse’s hair looked different. I feel completely comfortable with Ms. Hasse and I hadn’t seen her since the break. Excitedly I said, “Stacy, is that you? Your hair!! (touching her hair briefly) You went a little darker and shorter!! Super cute!” I heard a forced “Yeah…” But she never turned around and didn’t really acknowledge me. I assumed I caught the whole table at a focused moment and went along my merry way to the cafeteria…where I immediately saw the real Ms. Hasse doing lunch duty. I turned beet red and at that point had NO IDEA whose hair I’d just played with! Oh, it’s our BRAND NEW student teacher. That I’d never met!! Her first day!! — “Sorry bout that. That’s our crazy social worker Mallory. Don’t mind her.” I think I’m red as I type this. I still haven’t officially met her. We will either bond over that moment or never recover.

and (5) My super sweet moment of the first day back: Christmas continued. Before Christmas various individuals and organizations contributed to provide Christmas presents for more than 250 of my students. There were a couple student’s whose presents were never picked up. One bag of presents was intended for a little boy I love in 3rd grade. I wondered why his parents didn’t come pick them up, but couldn’t reach his parents on the phone. Today, I pulled him in my room to welcome him back and ask him about his break and decide if he really needed the donation or not. When I asked what his favorite Christmas present was he said real smooth, “Well, Santa gave me a few dollars because my mom forgot to give my list to Santa. He gave me that money instead.” I could tell he’d been practicing that story all day with his friends. I mean, Santa is alive and well in the 3rd grade, especially on the first day back to school after break. I looked at him and said, “You know, I was so confused this morning. There’s a bag with your name on it in the office and it says ‘Please deliver to (student’s name).’ I don’t know exactly where they came from, but I can tell they were meant for you.” His face LIT UP. No exaggeration, it was like all of his disappointments were relieved. Santa didn’t forget him after all! I gave him his presents, which he liked. I even let him change into his new pants despite the fact that it was the middle of the day. Words can’t quite do it justice, but it made all of the planning and organizing for Christmas donations seem worth it completely! I never want kids to feel forgotten. Life’s hard enough on it’s own.

So, yeah, it’s about time to leave Starbucks. I’m really glad I brought all that work along…